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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 58

1 down 2 to go!!!;P
Today exam wasn't that bad...but i have no confident in getting good result...><
Yee Ying is back in Kampar....
we went for yum char with the others and also have a girl's talk session in my room!!!:P
It's so great to have her here because she can understand my feelings now~~
Been wondering about something else....
Guess i will not give up if i dun get a good answer~~~
Sometimes i think i am too worried and thinking nonsense...Maybe i should really let things go.....
Frankly,I miss him....*i know u guys will slap me becuz i still do*
Sorry, cuz i can hide from the others but not myself!!!~
I am scare and afraid...
But there's nothing i can do and there's too many unexpected things happen recently....
5am in the morning and i am still awake here....
What the crap am i doing here?????!!!!!!!
i really wonder....

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