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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

该放手了 黄小琥

那一段爱情 像一道门坎
后来再恋爱 难免像钟摆
比较着从前 和现在
忘了时间会窜改 回忆着各种片段
该放手了 那一些伤痕早就变淡
该承认了 过不去也还是过到现在
那一个人 并没有枯守在上个转弯
该放手了 有一些事不需要答案
该承认了 找不到当年的那份简单
这才明白 原来是自己早已经更改
执着着爱过恨过只不过 闲不下来
那一段爱情 像一道门坎
手里的温暖 明明很温暖
担心不疯狂 不算爱
忘了失去的最美 美到什么也隐瞒
该放手了 那一些伤痕早就变淡
该承认了 过不去也还是过到现在
那一个人 并没有枯守在上个转弯
该放手了 有一些事不需要答案
该承认了 找不到当年的那份简单
这才明白 原来是自己早已经更改
执着着爱过恨过只不过 闲不下来
这才明白 原来是自己早已经更改
惦记着爱过恨过只不过 不甘平凡

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hey you!!!

Happy Single Day!!!

A very nice date 11.11.12.... Happy Single Day to all the single ones like me!!!:) Well, its been a long time i am also used to live independently with myself.... With the support from family and friends always... I am grateful for it!!!:))
3 years had passed... Nothing much changed except for human's heart... Someone who you might be very close before turns become a stranger... Someone who are stranger to you also turn to become close... How miracle it could be as its like a blinking of eye in front of you... I always feel guilty and sad for the one who leave me... And then turns to be like a stranger...Maybe i dislike this kind of feeling, yet is also a must to accept the fact of life! No worries, people grow up.. People move on.... And i wish someday some time i will also move forward to what i can get in life...... Its ok to get hurt now because i still able to accept this slowly..... Theres always so many things you need to pretend you wouldn't care and bother even if you do.... The best is... Pray for whoever in heart... Wishing them all da best in life.....and hoping they will know that theres someone who always give the blessing to them!
Hmmmmm..... Somehow i know... Is the time to stay away.... I still learning to be what i wanna be.... :))